Any BG Color or IMG
Frisco is flexible. Add icon boxes within a box style to dress it up more. You can also choose unlimited background colors or images.
Amazing Sliders
Frisco includes the awesome Layer Parallax Slider as well as the popular FlexSlider2. Both of the sliders have awesome plugins making it super easy.
Unlimited Colors
Frisco includes a backend color picker for unlimited color options. Any of the elements can be changed, including the super awesome CSS3 gradients!
Responsive Design
Frisco is fully responsive and can adapt to any screen size, its incredibly flexible. Try resizing your browser window to see the adaptation in action.
Amazing Sliders
Frisco includes the awesome Layer Parallax Slider as well as the popular FlexSlider2. Both of the sliders have awesome plugins making it super easy to use.
Unlimited Colors
Frisco includes a backend color picker for unlimited color options. Any of the elements can be changed, including the super awesome CSS3 gradients!
Responsive Design
Frisco is fully responsive and can adapt to any screen size, its incredibly flexible. Try resizing your browser window to see the adaptation in action.
Amazing Sliders
Frisco includes the awesome Layer Parallax Slider as well as the popular FlexSlider2. Both of the sliders have awesome plugins making it super easy to use.
Unlimited Colors
Frisco includes a backend color picker for unlimited color options. Any of the elements can be changed, including the super awesome CSS3 gradients!
500+ Google Fonts
Frisco includes soo many fonts – choose from over 500+ Google Fonts. You can change all headings and body copy with ease!!
We offer you more than 360 Font Awesome Fonts…
See the complete selection here
Web Application Icons
- search
- warning-sign
- envelope
- qrcode
- barcode
- calendar
- warning-sign
- random
- comment
- heart
- glass
- music
- share-alt
- star
- star-empty
- tag
- tags
- user
- book
- bookmark
- film
- camera
- th-large
- th
- th-list
- retweet
- plus-sign
- minus-sign
- bookmark
- film
- camera
- th-large
- th
- th-list
- plus-sign
- minus-sign
- remove-sign
- ok-sign
- question-sign
- info-sign
- shopping-cart
- folder-close
- folder-open
- hdd
- bullhorn
- bell
- certificate
- screenshot
- remove-circle
- ok-circle
- ban-circle
- thumbs-up
- ok
- remove
- zoom-in
- zoom-out
- off
- signal
- cog
- trash
- home
- file
- time
- road
- facetime-video
- picture
- pencil
- indent-right
- indent-left
- list
- align-justify
- align-right
- align-center
- align-left
- text-width
- text-height
- italic
- bold
- thumbs-down
- font
- inbox
- list-alt
- lock
- flag
- headphones
- map-marker
- adjust
- tint
- edit
- share
- check
- eye-open
- fire
- leaf
- gift
- exclamation-sign
- asterisk
- minus
- plus
- globe
- wrench
- tasks
- filter
- briefcase
- fullscreen
- hand-right
- hand-left
- hand-up
- hand-down
Directional Icons
- arrow-left
- arrow-right
- arrow-up
- arrow-down
- circle-arrow-right
- circle-arrow-left
- circle-arrow-up
- circle-arrow-down
- resize-horizontal
- resize-vertical
- resize-full
- resize-small
- chevron-left
- chevron-right
- chevron-up
- chevron-down